Case study

Supporting the First Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children

The goal

To provide comprehensive communications support for a landmark conference organised by the World Health Organization and partners, facilitating engagement and information sharing with stakeholders, and developing a pledging platform to drive and showcase global commitments to ending violence against children.

Our approach

Creative concept and narrative 

To ensure compelling and clear communication, we developed a distinct visual identity, and helped articulate key messages in collaboration with the event’s co-hosts and the community of advocates and key stakeholders. We created templates and a toolkit for partners, including social media assets to communicate consistently about the conference across platforms.

Conference website

We designed and developed the official conference website, creating content and managing its structure and design, to provide a central hub for information, including details on National Preparatory Sessions, country participation, registration and key conference updates.

Collecting and showcasing pledges

To support the conference’s goal of driving concrete action, we built a pledging platform that allowed governments and organizations to submit their commitments to ending violence against children. The pledges were published on the website, providing visibility to the commitments, and promoting accountability.

The impact

Over 100 countries and 20 organizations pledged to take action, with many of these commitments formally presented at the event. The website, key messages and communications strategy played a role in engaging participants, facilitating knowledge-sharing, and driving meaningful commitments in the lead-up to the event.

We loved this project because…

This was the first event of this scale bringing together stakeholders from around the world to inspire action to protect children. The numerous pledges published on the website serve as a powerful testament to the conference’s impact and the commitments made by governments to create meaningful, lasting change in children’s lives.