Case study

Designing an infographic to showcase clinical trial results

The goal

To create an engaging infographic to summarise the mechanism of action, clinical trial design and initial findings for Debiopharm’s theranostic pair, Debio 0328/0228, for use on social media.

Our approach

Background research 

To ensure accuracy, we began by conducting research into clear cell renal cell carcinoma and the mechanism of action of Debio 0328/0228. This included a thorough review of the clinical trial publication.

Content development

We condensed the publication’s key information into content for four separate tiles, each focused on one area: background, methods, findings, and conclusions.

Infographic design

Using the curated content, we designed four visually consistent and engaging infographic tiles. These tiles effectively illustrated the theranostic pair’s mechanism and the trial outcomes in a simplified and appealing format.

The impact

The completed infographic was shared on the client’s social media. It provided a clear and concise summary of the clinical trial findings, encouraging the audience to read the full publication.

We loved this project because…

It appealed to the scientists in us. It was incredibly rewarding to transform complex clinical data into a simplified format, making critical research more accessible for a broader audience. Projects like these play an important role in promoting engagement with key scientific findings.